Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nursing History Essay

This paper will discuss how Nursing’s History has helped to inform nursing’s future. It will discuss the turn of the twentieth century and the importance of this era on the nursing profession. (Brodie, 2010) The development of nursing education and Florence Nightingale’s contribution to modern day nursing (Hoyt, 2010). Possibilities for the future, which will enable further social standing and the prominence of nursing as a profession. (Fairman, 2012) The study of nursing history helps us to better understand the issues of autonomy, unity, supply and demand, salary, and current practice. Learning from the role models of history, make positive changes in the present and provide options for the future. Provides the ability to make improvements on past practices and creating a sense of best practice. (Brodie, 2010). Florence Nightingale is considered to be the founder of modern day nursing. She was influential in the development of nursing education, practice, and administration. (Hoyt, 2010) Nightingale’s work served to establish nearly all the advancements that would arise in the nursing profession in the coming decades. It was from her work, Notes on Nursing, set the tone for all theories that followed. Prior to 1840, no formal education was provided to people who cared for the ill. These skills and lessons commonly provided in the form of generational learning or trial and error. The care of the sick usually fell to women of a lower social standing or class who were unable to obtain any other work. Nightingale identified the need for formal training of nurses and workers in the public health arena. There has been substantial growth in the innovation of the nursing profession; there have been advanced nursing programs established due to the ‘increasing complexities of modern nursing’. The turn of the twentieth century saw the creation of professional nursing organisations that allowed our profession to be self-regulated, this included formal training and competency standards. (Brodie, 2010). Given that Nursing evolved into the self regulated profession it is, provides the opportunity to have a strong stance in the negotiations and  establishment of appropriate working conditions, working hours arrangements and collective agreements. These negotiations and agreements were made later in the 20th century and now stand as a benchmark for generations of nurses to follow. (D’Antonio, 2010) The history of nursing provides current day nursing teachers, leaders and professional’s insight into opportunities and possibilities in our profession, aiding us to be accountable for our actions and enables us to provide comment and feedback on potential improvements. (Fairman, 2012) It enables a review of procedures and policy and make recommendations for improvement. It confers the opportunity to be integral in policy implementation for the betterment of health care available to the public. ‘Virginia Nursing History’ is a website that was created in 2001; the site is overall a very useful and provides a nice perspective on leadership in nursing in Virginia from around 1900 to the near present. (Gibson, 2009) Gibson highlit the importance of websites such as this to show the progress and steps that have been made in the nursing profession. It highlights the extraordinary work that high performing nurses have accomplished and the prominent members of the nursing community. Gibson mentions that the work done by nurses tends to go unnoticed or unreported and tools such as this, using modern day technology (internet) to show the progression of our profession. Having knowledge of the history of nursing helps us to understand where nursing came from and how nursing evolved as a profession throughout time. It provides us with the opportunity to reflect on how things were and why we do things the way we do. It shows us that we have grown from being regarded as the lowest working class, ones who didn’t require training or education. Transformed to a profession highly regarded for its intensive training and requirements, which are providing us with the capability to grow, expand and continue to firm the foundation for future potential nurses. The generational change and progression have given us prominent stance in the public health arena. Thanks to the evolution of nursing and the timeline of growth we, as nurses, are respected and are in a position to continue to  grow and improve. Given the growth in our profession and interesting point to ponder is, where will nursing as a profession be in decades to come?

Friday, August 30, 2019

Unity Bank

Oct-Nov 2006: Smaller company acquires a market leader June 2007: major integration: systems & operations Unity’s integration goals: †¢ Save $60 million worth of IT expenses within 3 years on staff and infrastructure †¢ Wants to be the world’s #1 provider of share registry services †¢ Maximize shareholder wealth CIO, Stuart Irving worries: †¢ Lack of due diligence because of legal problems †¢ Hart Scott Rodino Act prevented proper communications †¢ Unknown bugs within Delta’s operations might affect the integration’s timeline & budgetary goals †¢ Present a short and efficient integration to the investors †¢ OVERVIEWUNITY Strengths †¢ †¢ Very efficient technologically Professional and experienced staff members Good incentives, innovative projects: keeps staff motivated and stimulated Remarkable ability to attract talented professionals Family oriented work environment †¢ †¢ Weaknesses Small player in US market Difficulty hiring entry level programmers because BLAIR uses COBOL †¢ Strengths Delta has more clients and is a bigger brand in the US LEADER: uses object-oriented programming language †¢ †¢ †¢ DELTA Weaknesses Technological challenges Limited capabilities Duplication of resources due to systems’ limitations Failed integrations in the past Clients can’t view portfolio of investments †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ PROBLEM STATEMENT A. Determine the enterprise platform? B. Staff motivation issues C. Create a new organizational structure? D. Attract star performers? E. Start building the infrastructure for the new organization? DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES A. Determining the enterprise platform Delta has 4 different systems Clients/Employees on different systems No consistency in user experience Leader: Delta’s attempt to consolidate all of its systems Unity has one system: BLAIR Written in COBOL (hard to find employees /training costs) Issue: What is the best way to integrate the two organizations?Clients can’t view their investments as a portfolio Clients experience differences in services because of the different systems Inefficient Staff and infrastructure is costly/Creates wasted resources A. Determining the enterprise platform SCENARIO 1: US Demand increases SCENARIO 2: Stock decreases because of previous integration failures NEGATIVE: Integration is too timely to show investors that it’s a successful integration SCENARIO 3: Increase in Delta star-performer resignation POSITIVE: Easier to hire entry level programmers, develop new features and customize system SCENARIO 4: US Demand Decreases ALTERNATIVE 1: Upgrade Leader to BLAIR’s capabilities: $45 million POSITIVE: Ability to easily hire entry level programmers.NEGATIVE: Less funds to test and develop Leader. Taking a risk of using a new system with remaining users. NEGATIVE: Leader hasn’t been tested in the field ALTERNATIVE 2: Use BLAIR to provide services under Delta’s brand POSITIVE: BLAIR has been tested in the field and proved to be efficient POSITIVE: The use of BLAIR will shorten the integration time. NO EFFECT NEGATIVE: BLAIR is proven to be inefficient in US market NEGATIVE: Difficulty hiring entry level programmers and developing new features. ALTERNATIVE 3: Keep both systems temporarily POSITITVE: Both systems are tested in their fields and employees are experienced NEGATIVE: Costly. Inefficient.NEGATIVE: The goal of the acquisition is not achieved POSITIVE: Allow Unity to retain star performers and evaluate them further NEGATIVE: Less funds to maintain both systems and infrastructures DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES B. Delta’s staff – motivation issues Staff is not unified No effective communication Lack of information flow from Delta to Unity Decreased team work Feeling of â€Å"Unity vs. Delta† among employees Fence sitters Skeptical about new managementâ €™s promises Fear of uncertainty DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES C. Creating a new IT Organizational Structure Issue: How to create an efficient integration team? Unity or Delta? Who should be in control?Delta employees knew their systems Unity is the acquirer If things are left as they are: Cost inefficient/Timely Trainings Duplicated jobs/salaries Affected by disengaged staff Can’t be sure who is a star performer DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES D. Attracting star performers Limitations of due diligence Unity is only familiar with upper management of Delta’s staff Disengaged/demoralized employees Unclear who is a top performer Not sure how to motivate a staff until their services are no longer needed B. Staff motivation C. Organizational structure D. Attracting star performers ALTERNATIVE 1: Create team-oriented incentive programs/ competitive environment ALTERNATIVE 2: Integration task force 50/50 staff SCENARIO 1: Demand increases SCENARIO 2: Stock decreases because of previo us integration failuresSCENARIO 3: Increase in Delta star-performer resignation SCENARIO 4: Sales decrease POSITIVE: Funds available to support programs POSITIVE: Competitive environment will speed up the process of integration POSITIVE: Staff is no longer demoralized and disengaged – able to assist with a speedy integration NEGATIVE: Staff is demoralized and disengaged – unable to assist with a speedy integration NEGATIVE: Increase in employee apathy and willingness to accept severance and look for employment elsewhere. POSITIVE: Allows to identify remaining star performers and retaining them NEGATIVE: Difficult to create and maintain a strong integration task forceNEGATIVE: Decrease in funds to support programs. POSITIVE: Staff is no longer demoralized and disengaged – able to meet demand NEGATIVE: Delta staff demoralized and unable to meet demand POSITIVE: People eager to keep jobs, demand met NO EFFECT ALTERNATIVE 3: Keep it Unity: all supervisors NEGATIVE: More Delta employees disengaged and looking to resign NEGATIVE: More Delta employees disengaged and looking to resign NEGATIVE: Trust in Unity decreases ALTERNATIVE 4: Issue contract expirations depending on deadlines NEGATIVE: People eager to keep jobs – unethical conduct increases – no longer family oriented environment DISCUSSION OF KEY ISSUES E.Starting to build the infrastructure for the new organization Unity and Delta ran completely different phone systems, networking hardware, office servers, and PC systems Hardware changes were imperative in order for the organization to operate as a single unit How to decrease duplication of expenses on resources? Buildings/Hardware/Maintenance expenses must decrease Organization has to operate as a single unit Reductions = Savings Building the infrastructure for the new organization ALTERNATIVE 1: Create an expense evaluation team: Delta and Unity 50/50 SCENARIO 1: Demand increases SCENARIO 2: Stock decreases because of prev ious integration failures SCENARIO 3: Increase in Delta star-performer resignation SCENARIO 4: Sales decrease POSITIVE: Staff is able to evaluate and determine the best use of resource allocation NEGATIVE: Resources consolidated/ difficulty meeting demand POSITIVE: Assist in decreasing duplicated expenses thus amplifying earningsPOSITIVE: Ability to hire entry level replacements will decrease company’s wage expense NEGATIVE: More Delta employees disengaged and looking to resign POSITIVE: Assist in decreasing duplicated expenses thus amplifying earnings ALTERNATIVE 2: Geographic integrations: Keep Unity supervisors POSITIVE: Getting rid of redundant assets could increase earnings temporarily NEGATIVE: Unclear if this integration strategy will be successful NEGATIVE: Unclear if this integration strategy will be successful NEGATIVE: Trust in Unity decreases ALTERNATIVE 3: Close down all Delta buildings NEGATIVE: Resources consolidated/ difficulty meeting demand NEGATIVE: More De lta employees disengaged and looking to resign NEGATIVE: Trust in Unity decreases

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Health, Safety or Security Concerns Arising from a Specific Incident or Emergency Essay

The main concern that may arise when dealing with abuse is communication. This becomes a major concern as if a student’s has a hearing or speech impairment, it can mean that they may not be able to communicate how they feel about the subject, or express it correctly. In my poster I minimised this barrier by suggesting suitable responses to the situation. Ensure that staff talk to the student in a place where they feel comfortable. Staff should use good listening skills and write down appropriate notes to hand on to relevant people. After ensure that staff members go to their child protection officers to deal with the situation properly. This is important so that they can take appropriate steps to ensure the child is safe and the situation is dealt with correctly. The second concern that may arise when dealing with abuse is that the student may not tell staff members how they feel as they might feel scared if something happens if they tell- losing the dependency on an abusing carer especially if this is a key person the student communicate with. This could become a risk when working with any of my students that have a disability. I minimised this by on my poster giving staff advice on how to approach this. When talking to students its important that you make them feel comfortable and build a trusting relationship, there’s a better chance of them opening up their true feelings. However this may not be the case as the student may have learnt from their care or wider experience to just be compliant and live with it. The final concern that may arise when dealing with suspected abuse is the way the staff deals with it. They may have a lack of awareness of working with disabled students. A child with Down’s syndrome may act out in a specific way and staff may assume that this is because of their disability. Assumptions are sometimes be made about disabled children e. g. their mood, injury or behaviour. This can result in indicators of possible abuse being mistakenly attributed to the child’s impairment. However; their behaviour may be the only way for them to express how they actually feel. In my poster I minimized this by highlighting types of abuse and indicators that staff an look out for if they suspect abuse. For example an indicator for physical abuse is unbelievable excuses i. e. I walked into a lamp post. However, not all the signs mentioned mean that the student is being abused, but it’s about using your sense to know if it feels right or not. Intruders in the college The main concern that may arise when dealing with intruders in the college is getting hold of personal information. This is a major concern for any school or college and is important that they are stopped. If intruders do enter the premises they could get hold of personal information about students and staff. In my poster I have highlighted this and given advice on how to stop this from occurring if someone unauthorized enters the building. Computes should be password locked when they are not being used and any confidential paper work should be put into cabinets which are locked. Staff should ensure that all members staff are aware of this rule and if any computers are not locked to do so. By having this simple security measure in place, if an intruder does enter it will make it more difficult for him/her to access this information. However if these steps are ot taken it can means that confidential information could be used in a negative way towards students such as blackmail. The second concern that may arise when dealing with intruders in the college is how staff and students will respond if they think or see someone suspicious is in the building. When working with disabled students, some of them may not know if someone suspicious or how to react do them. The poster can help staff to tell students how to respond to people coming in to their college that they do not know. By giving simple steps, with heading makes it easier to read. Also I have given- ‘do not’ of how not to respond in a situation such as don’t not confront the intruder, as it can cause further danger to the student or staff members. The final concern that may arise when dealing with intruders in the college is if you get an intruders that is armed with a weapon- this could either be a gun or a knife. There are many situations that you could be in, that you could unsure how to respond. In my poster I state 3 different situations that you could be when a hostile intruder enters. By giving them each scenario and steps to take breaks it down and makes it easier to understand. When mentioning these steps I give prioties to make the students safe. This is important when working with students with disability ad they might know how to react to this situation, so ensuring that staff know the correct procedures can help keep the students stay calm. D2: justify responses to a particular incident or emergency in a health and social care setting In the second part of this report I am going to justify my responses to the incident I have discussed in P4 and M3. Intruders The safety of children and young people is important when working in any health and social care setting. I am working with students from the entry & foundation with special education needs. My first priority would be to make sure they are safe. the reason why this was my first priority is because that students are most important . – according to the information in the health and social care textbook , level 3. (Authors: Beryl Stretch & Mary Whitehouse) – if an intruder does gain entry, your priority is to keep yourself and the people you care for safe. Property can be replaced- people cannot. It was particularly important to priotise this response for my students with special needs as they might not know how to respond if an intruders does enter their space or maybe cannot escape by themselves- if they had a physicals or visual impairment. This is why it is important for me to ensure tat all my students are safe. This action reduces future harm occurring again in Entry and foundation because the students may learnt from my response the situation. Health and safety act at work Once I have ensured that all my students are safe, I would make sure I informed security or the site manager. The laws place certain responsibilities on both employers and employees. For Example- According to health and safety act; it is up to the employer to provide a safe place in which to work, but the employee also has to show reasonable care for his or her own safety. As the employee the next step I would take would be to ensure that the students are safe, and I would make my site manager or security aware of the incident or intruder into the college. This would mean that they could implement actions to help reduce further risk for any further things happening within the environment.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Identify the opportunities for the development of positive Essay

Identify the opportunities for the development of positive environmental outcomes during the planning and development process an - Essay Example People flock urban centers in order to seek for employment opportunities and carry out business activities; thus creating pressure on the scarce environmental resources. The expansion of lands for development activities such expansion of agriculture and infrastructure development in order to cater for the ever increasing population has posed a threat to biodiversity. The inevitable congestion contributes to environmental hazards and degradation; thus environmental planners and developers should employ effective strategies for reversing environmental consequences. However, despite the opportunities for the development of positive environmental outcomes, cultural, political, legislative and financial barriers tend to prevent the effective outcomes during planning or developmental process. The Opportunities for the Development of Positive Environmental Outcomes during the Planning and Development Process Implementing or adopting environmentally sound focused broad-band policies that can accelerate global progress towards a low-carbon economy is crucial. Buckingham and Evans (1996, p. 123) argue that environmentally planning and sustainability had been a prominent role in the global agenda that sets principles for achieving the desired environmental goals. During the planning and development process, planners should implement environmentally sound policies and set objectives that should be met. The objectives should be realistic and the planners should integrate decision making to include effective millennium development goals framework in order to achieve their targets successfully. Field and Keller (1998 P. 52) also argue employing effective project management strategies and monitoring will offer a wider scale opportunity for tracking progress. This will enable planners to encourage implementation of plans and policies, promote investments and overcome barriers of development. Planners, designers and interested group should focus on regional food planning and imp lement effective policies to guide the community on sustainable food production. Food is an essential sustaining and enduring necessity for human beings across cultures. The concerning people including planners, developers and interested groups have paid less attention to food planning policy in comparison with other planning issues. They tend to focus on economic planning, environmental, housing and transportation and infrastructure, but they have forgotten that food planning is an essential planning aspect. Therefore, there is need to focus on food planning process in order to determine the methods employed in production, transportation and distribution of food products. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (2005) argue that planners should focus on food planning because this is one of the major impact that have contributed to loss of biodiversity. Food system is a serious problem, which is on the rise across diverse communities. For instance, the national planning t eam in San Francisco tracked food system, in 2005 and this one of the food planning subjects that were carried

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Apple's International Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Apple's International Strategies - Essay Example The business sells in Europe, South America, North America, Asia and Australia. Apple has considerable brand loyalty established in China, The United Kingdom, and Australia. This loyalty occurs as part of a broad international marketing communications strategy that includes social media, press releases, transparent market research targeting consumers (i.e., attitude surveys), and the strong emphasis on customer relationship management. In all international locations, the majority of target customers that maintain strong loyalty are professional businesspersons, those in arts and entertainment, and are generally between the ages of 18 and 34 (Rubicon Consulting, 2008). Apple conducts considerable volumes of marketing research to determine attitudes, preferences, and lifestyles of consumers to ensure it is producing relevant products internationally and creating effective advertising that meets with these lifestyles and demands. In China, Apple entered this market with a licensing stra tegy, due to the high volume of technology competition with pre-established brands (Ramadugu & Samad, 2009). Apple desired to link its brand name with China Unicom, one of the largest telecommunications companies that had considerable growth in consumer satisfaction in China. This licensing agreement was also the chosen strategy for entering this market as there is an unpredictable distribution of mobile technology in China and by having China Unicom control distribution, it would improve the costs associated with setting up an Apple-specific distribution system in this new market. In Nigeria, as another example, Apple chose a turnkey market strategy, which is when technical processes and technology is exported to the market. Once a turnkey contractor is identified, the contractor establishes the operational model, construction, and implementation of Apple production and sales strategies in the new market (Evans, 2005). This is a country with limited competition and where the costs of new market entry are high to competitors. By establishing an operational foothold in Nigeria, this would potentially open new opportunities for local distribution from the newly constructed manufacturing facility. Apple maintains a different market entry strategy based on consumer characteristics, the level of competition in these markets, and identified brand recognition and loyalty for Apple premium products. In the UK, the target market consists of 18-34-year-olds in which branding occurs related to their lifestyle and the linkage between their perceptions of Apple products. Robinson (2010, p. 2) identifies that gaining market attention in the UK includes focusing on emotions, hopes, aspirations and lifestyle passions in a market saturated with competition and where there are high brand recognition and preference. Market entry in this country included licensing agreements and exporting since there was already a well-developed mobile and consumer technology distribution system established in this country. The level of price sensitivity in customers, the distribution networks available in the country, the level of competition, and the ability to provide relevant promotion to meet consumer lifestyles determine the market entry strategies selected by Apple.

Mundell-Fleming model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mundell-Fleming model - Essay Example If the monetary policy is constant and is not modified, higher level of government spending might entail the sharp rise in the demand for money which in turn may lead to higher interest rates. As one knows from the course in macroeconomics, capital inflows that, the nation can receive in this scenario, may strengthen the exchange rate to the level that it can hamper the export operations of the private companies and thus reduce or even stultify any positive expansionist effect of the government spending. The following graph illustrates the model; it also provides the illustration on the effect that fiscal policy under floating exchange regime might cause on the economy of the country. Thus monetary policy is one of the most effective tools in the economic policy of the Government under floating exchange rate regime; if the government increases the supply of money, which leads to the reduction of the interest rates, which consequently entails capital outflow, that in turn depreciates exchange rates and consequently stimulates export activities in the country and leads to the expansion in the economy through higher level of net exports. 2 The opposite situation occurs under the regime of fixed exchange rates. As one can see under floating exchange rates in the short time period, the interest rate is bound to decrease (which might take more positive effect on the economy and stimulate investment activities in the country... First, there should be one "interest parity" condition. National interest rates on the bonds i should equal interest rates overseas i* with the expected rate of the depreciation of the exchange rate (Et (et+1 - et)). In the above mentioned equitation, e is a logarithm of the exchange rate (foreign currency denoted in national one), whereas Et is the expectations of the markets based on the time t information. As one can conclude from the situation mentioned, there is no difference between the profitability of national and foreign bonds; however as in current economic system, the capital is highly mobile so the two bonds could pay various interest rates only if the investors expect to receive some compensation from the differences in exchange rates. It is assumed in this model that the country is comparatively small in the global capital market and the foreign interest rate i* is exogenous in this case. (On this picture MM- short time equilibrium, whereas GM -goods market equilibrium, q long run equilibrium level of the real exchange rate, e exchange rate, C and B various levels of the economy). 3 The rate parity equitation in this case is written as the following: it +1 = i + Et (et +1- et), in this equation it +1 is the nominal exchange rate whereas (et +1- et) predicted rate of charge of exchange rate. Dornbusch's model was based on the assumption that there was no uncertainty in the economy; many observers also claim that above mentioned equation of uncovered interest parity is rather an exception from the rule, and the interest parity situation rarely happens in practice. According to equation of Dornbusch high interest rates might lead to the increase in the opportunity cost of keeping money and thus entail the decrease in the demand for money; the

Monday, August 26, 2019

IS setup Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IS setup - Essay Example In the recent times, the sales have been decreasing and the new CEO has contributed it to the lack of technology in its operation. It is observed that an effective computer based information system would greatly improve and improvise the delays in the various operations of the firm and help give it a competitive advantage. I agree with the CEO because the current functioning of the firm delays the access to vital information for efficient decision making vis-Ã  -vis various managerial decision making. There is lack of effective communication amongst the various branches which increases the overhead costs considerably. The diverse units of FYC need to be linked through effective system that would facilitate sharing of information within the departments and within the branches. Access to information represents the basic precondition for success of a firm (Drucker, 1998). Access to information is vital part of organizational management processes as it not only promotes efficiency and knowledge based discharge of duties by the employees but it a great tool for the management to exploit the available information to improve its performance. It would also facilitate timely and regular communication amongst the employees and branches. Information provides wide ranging knowledge about the existing and emerging paradigms of the business world which may have considerable impact on the organizational performance outcomes. Hence, organizations need to develop a comprehensive information system that would promote and accelerate the organizational aims and objectives. Use of IS would facilitate higher level of efficiency and organizational growth which would offset a competitive advantage over their rivals. Information system development is the new methodology of storing and manipulating strategic business information that are designed to improve the overall business prospects. The ISD has been evolved to encompass various spheres of the business including

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Effective Managment of Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Effective Managment of Change - Research Paper Example The change process was initially started by chairman Vanvelde who was employed in 2000. However, his policies remained quite successful in first 2 years i-e 2001 – 2002 but then failed to eradicate structural issues in the company. The company continued to expand its business operations in both domestic and global markets with the passage of time and diversified its business. The chairman enabled the firm to operate in new markets and improve its financial position by 2004 but internal inefficiencies had still remained a headache for strategic planners. As far as changes in the later period of 2005- 2008 is concerned, it is worthwhile to mention that M&S developed and implemented PLAN A in 2007 under guidance, supervision and leadership of Mr. Stuart Rose to eradicate structural problems and restore its competitiveness in the marketplace. The policies of Mr. Stuart helped in eradicating many management and administrative inefficiencies and restoration of employees’ confidence over strategic planners in M&A. The report will critically evaluate the overall change management and implementation process followed by a detailed SWOT analysis of Marks and Spencer in 2010. The report will also include forecasts about any future changes (and their management) and will finally end up with a conclusion. Change Management is a technique adopted by strategic planners and top managers to improve organisational efficiency, productivity and environment. The strategy is widely used as a part of Restructuring and Reengineering Program within an organisational context to ensure a discrimination organisational culture, open information sharing, shared values and experimentation so that employees can contribute more for goal accomplishment and financial gains. Our company Marks and Spencer is a leading manufacturer / producer, marketer and seller of top quality ready-made garments or apparel, shoes, food

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Comprehensive Examination Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Comprehensive Examination Questions - Essay Example These are the consecutive model and the concurrent model. In the case of consecutive model, a teacher would first obtain a certain qualification in one or more than one subjects (which can be a first university degree) and then she/he would study for an extended period of time to obtain an extra qualification in teaching. In certain systems, it is a postgraduate degree. In the case of concurrent model, the student would concurrently study one or more than one academic subject together with the techniques of teaching that subject, which would eventually lead to the eligibility to be a teacher in that subject. Through the above discussion, we understand the beginning of the process of teacher development. Stage theories develop from this very process of ‘making’ a teacher. In this process of teacher development, illustrations, examples, explanations, and demonstrations are crucial. In a word, the ways of representing and formulating the subject that makes it comprehensible to others †¦ (it) also includes an understanding of what makes the learning of specific topics easy or difficult: the conceptions and preconceptions that students of different ages and backgrounds bring them to the learning (Craft et al, 2001). Hence, teacher development would be a stage-wise process that would enable the teacher to handle the various needs of this demanding profession in today’s complex environment. In this context, one of the two current stage theories that would be discussed here is given by R. Fessler and J. Christiansen. According to them, an individual teacher would go across eight life-long stages of career. More or less time would be spent in a given stage according as the organizational and personal environment influencers. These eight stages in the Fessler and Christiansen Teacher Career Cycle can be defined as Preservice, Induction, Competency Building, Enthusiastic and Growing, Career Frustration, Stability, Career Wind-Down, and

Friday, August 23, 2019

Trademark Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Trademark - Assignment Example A trademark is a mark that represents the distinction of certain goods in terms of the brand name, logo, label and many more. This mark helps in differentiating a trader’s commodities and services from those of others in a place. The right of this trademark is granted in terms of its logo, smell and taste among others. This mark is what any trader requires to own exclusive rights in commercially making use of goods and services that are under it. This also licenses the traders to engage in the various sectors of business that are involved in the mark. Without this, anyone carrying out business activities in the nation is considered a criminal and can be detained. To prove their business legal therefore, one may require this trademark from the government. This familiarizes the government with the business activities taking place within the country and helps to control illegal businesses that are not healthy in terms of the welfare of the citizens in the nation. Application for this trademark takes place in government offices. A registration fee is charged during application, and in some cases is renewed monthly. This way, apart from controlling business activities in the nation, the government also earns some revenue that later helps in running of the development projects that need to be fulfilled in building the nation. During the application process therefore, it is wise for a businessman to consider some issues before applying. It is wise to find out whether the application is really needed in one’s case, whether their brand appropriately needs the mark, the right time for application and the process involved during the application. This is done to avoid poor decisions, which later may cause downfall (Isobel, 2015). Trademarks help the owners of the goods and services to protect their commodities from claims by the

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Changing a Five Day School Week to a Four Day School Week Essay Example for Free

Changing a Five Day School Week to a Four Day School Week Essay Changing a five day week to a five day week to a four day week (For schools) Why is our traditional five day week changing to a four day week? Any reason? A four day week would result in extra hours of work, interference with family schedules and much more. In any case what’s the problem with the five day school week? The customary five day school week should stay without any alterations. There are many reasons that support the understanding of having a five day school week instead of changing it into a four day school week. Firstly, people are already used to the five day week and might have to put some changes to their regular habits. Secondly, parents at work would have a very hard time to find a person to take care of their child (babysitter); this would be a big problem for families with no money. In the third reason I speak about the kids interest areas. It would be a loss of time of their practice of their extra-curricular activities that they really enjoy from their choice classes. There are many reasons that support the understanding of having a five day school week instead of changing it to a five day school week. People are already used to the five day school week since centuries and there have not been a lot of problems with the system, so why change it right now? The four day week would make a big difference (bad changes) in their sleeping and eating habits(Proved out by the Canadian center for occupational health). Parents at work would also have a hard time finding a babysitter. They would have a hard time leaving their children alone at home. This would be a big problem for children and families who are poor and cannot afford a person to take care of their children during work. Everyone knows that education for children has an impact on the future of this country. Our education/ learning system has been going on pretty good or let’s just say progressing every day and taking a brake would obviously low the percentage down of getting all these things we hope for. Lots of high schools, middle schools and elementary schools have game time/P.  E which makes children active at least for sixty min. a day. Less activity time can lead to unhealthy diseases such as obesity. Many activities such as orchestra, robotics and arts are chosen by the child with their own interest. If a parent cannot afford a class (outside school) it would be hard for them to enjoy the lost time of the choice class they chose. Now I would like to add on more to my first reason of having a five day week instead of changing it to a four day week. All of us have been using the ive day week for centuries then why change it now? The four day week might bring a sudden change in sleep habits which in turn may cause drowsiness, laziness and other factors during working hours. The four day week might also bring sudden changes in eating habits from more regular parties and unhealthy food.. When you have another weekend, many people oversleep. You might also develop certain health problems from oversleeping on an extra holiday such as diabetes, heart diseases, stress, anxiety, apnea and many more. Another day of a holiday means more partying, and mainly eating more unhealthy food. Problems that you might develop from eating unhealthy food are: Obesity, Diabetes, bulimia, binge eating and many more. There are people out there fighting for a four day week. Let see a few of the other side’s arguments. Some say that having a four day week might help save gas money for the district. However school buses are used on weekends as a public transportation even more which in turn might get the gas costs higher instead of saving a whole bunch of money. Parents also say that children would have extra free time if allowed an extra weekend. But guess what? 70% of all kids in America would prefer to have school instead of an extra weekend. School is a place where you could interact with old friends and make new friends! Fun activities compiled with learning. What would be a better option? In conclusion I would want the school board to consider the decision of having a five day school week because of multiple reasons I told during my essay. Such as people are already used to the five day school week, poor parents and normal parents might have a hard time at work worrying about their children at work and having a babysitter, less education for the future, less activity time, less extra-curricular time and having less face-to-face time with the teacher. Therefore as a call to action I would go to the school board/superintendent and reject all proposals of having a four day week because of these several reasons. I would also write a petition/proposal regarding to keep the 5 day school week the same. This petition would include other parents signatures who agree with me.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Restructuring Debt Essay Example for Free

Restructuring Debt Essay One appreciates the recommendation of providing information on restructuring debt to help the company combat its recent financial troubles. Even though the company is in the process of reorganizing one believes this information will help a company in reporting the restructuring of debt. One will provide information on the requirements of reporting debt on bonds, notes, and capital leases. In performing this one will also provide the journal entries one would need to record to restructure the company’s debt along with a comparison of the debt for the company’s current reporting. One will also provide valuable information on the company’s postemployment benefits. Requirements for Reporting Debt Long-term debts for a company are present obligations that consist of probable future sacrifices of economic benefit, which â€Å"are not payable within a year or within the operating cycle of the company† (Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 2007, p. 672). Generally long-term debt consists of three categories, which are bonds payable, notes payable, and capital leases. In financial reporting one of the most controversial areas is the reporting of long-term debt because this debt impacts the cash flows of a company (Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 2007, p. 691). The reporting requirements of the debt must be both substantive and informative to the investor. Some long-term debt such as bonds, notes, and others may need approval by the board of directors and stockholders before a company acquires the debt. Most long-term debt a company acquires has certain ovenants or restrictions within its agreement. This helps protect both the lender and borrower. A company must disclose the features along with any covenants or restrictions in the agreement of long-term debt in the financial statements or in the notes of the financial statements. This is only if the information provides an investor a more â€Å"complete understanding of the financial position of the company and the results of its operations† (Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 2007, p. 672). Bonds Payable  Bonds basically represent a contract of a promise to pay at a maturity date a sum of money plus a specified rate of periodic interest on the maturity amount. Bonds can be either secured or unsecured. Secured bonds have some pledge of collateral that backs up the bond. An example of this type of bonds is a â€Å"mortgage bond secured by a claim on real estate† (Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 2007, p. 673). Unsecured bonds are bonds that do not have any collateral attach to them. Most bonds carry a specific rate of interest whereas others are sold with an implied interest rate at a discount. One can convert some bonds into other securities. No matter what bond a company acquires the terms and conditions of the bond must be disclosed along with the covenants or restrictions on the bond. A company must also disclose any violation on the covenant or restrictions of the bond. In reporting bonds a company must report the bond at its face value â€Å"of its expected future cash flows, which consists of interest and principal† (Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 2007, p. 675). The company amortizes any discount or premium of a bond over the life of the bond. This basically is reporting the bond at its face value less the unamortized discount or plus the unamortized premium. General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) requires a company to use the effective- interest method in determining the amortization of a discount or premium of a bond. A company reports the portion of the bond that matures within a year (current portion) as a current liability, and the remainder as a long-term liability on the balance sheet. Notes Payable Notes payable are generally an amount of money a company borrows with a romissory note. Long-term notes are similar and different from bonds in some ways. The similarity is notes payable also â€Å"have fixed maturity dates and carry either a stated or implicit interest rate† (Kieso, Weygandt, Warfield, 2007, p. 685). The difference is notes payable are not easily tradable. A company reports notes payable in a similar fashion as it does bonds. In reporting a note payable a company records the note at its face value of its future interest and principal cash flows. The company amortizes any discount or premium of a note over its life. If a note has no-bearing interest rate the company should report the difference between the face value and the cash received as a discount on the note. This amount one amortizes over the life of the note to interest expense. Capital Leases A company may use capital leases to finance its acquisition of capital assets. In lease financing a company must met the criteria of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) on capital leases. In this a company must record both a liability, and a related asset on its balance sheet. In reporting capital lease a company reports the lease at its present value of the minimum lease payments. The company allocates these lease payments using the effective interest method to interest expense. This allocation using the effective interest method reduces the lease liability of the company. A company regardless of the type of liability it has must report the interest rate, maturity date, current interest expense, and future interest and principles payments of the liability in its financial statements or notes. A company should also disclose any restrictions or covenants on these liabilities. In disclosing this debt a company should present the debt by major category.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Black Or White To Kill A Mockingbird English Literature Essay

Black Or White To Kill A Mockingbird English Literature Essay Let us all hope that the dark clouds of racial prejudice will soon pass away, and that in some not too distant tomorrow the radiant stars of love and brotherhood will shine over our great nation with all their scintillating beauty   Martin Luther King, Jr. Racism is a strong element that is portrayed in Harper Lee s Pulitzer Prize winning novel To Kill a mocking bird. Harper lee was born in 1926 grew up in Monroeville (Alabama) and graduated from Alabama University. The book was published during the civil rights movement and exposed the dark elements of southern racist society.The story is set in Alabama, in the 1930. To kill a mocking bird deals with the moral teachings of a human being that is whether people are essentially good or evil. The book focuses to a large extent on a childs perspective in understanding the world. It clearly bridges a gap between a childs innocence and experience.Racism is a major theme of the novel. During that era, blacks were still highly dominated members of society. Blacks were not permitted to communicate with whites in public places, and there existed a clearly distinct black and white area of town. This research article deals with the concept, history and the major social issues related to Racism and racism in relation with To Kill a Mockingbird. The term racism is often used in a loose and unreflective way to describe the hostile or negative feeling towards another [1] .Racism has two major components -difference and power. It is not merely an attitude or set of beliefs but it also expresses itself in practices, institution, and structure that sense of deep difference justifies or validates. Racism has existed throughout human history.  It may be defined as the hatred of one person by another. Racism  is a word that can be defined in many different ways to people. To some, racism is a way of life, and to some, it is a repulsive term that represents closed or narrow mindedness. Racism comes from different cultural values, ethnic backgrounds, as well as the physical appearances. The conflict of racism occurs when the majority group of society feels that the different cultures and values of the minority group bring the change to the society. The United States of America, which brought people from all over the world, is stat ed as the land of opportunity and freedom, it is also the country that is famous for the racial discrimination. From the beginning of this country, there were conflicts with the Indians, slavery of blacks, and going against the people who immigrated there hoping to achieve their dream. Racism have been one of the most significant issues that people have been facing and fighting for, and is still occurring around us. Racism has killed and at the same time saved the people. It has killed the people as they have been discriminated in many ways. They have become the victims of the society. But in another point of view racism has saved the people, because through the discrimination, they have become stronger and confirmed about them. They have built the power to overcome the barrier of racism. Historically, almost every group of human beings who managed to cultivate a cultural identity did so partly by defining themselves as better than any other group, setting sharp boundaries to how mu ch they would interact with other groups (including intermarriage) and limits to how much of their resources and power they would share. Groups that were isolated by natural borders like the Klingit (Eskimo), native Caribbean tribes, and Australian aborigines did not have to develop traditions of hostility to strangers to protect their tribal identity. Natural obstacles provided all the hostility to invaders they needed; the people themselves could be generous and hospitable to the survivors, who often ended up absorbed into the tribe. Those with extremely strong cultural identities as, for example, Jews and Roma (gypsies) have been able to exist within other cultures without behaving with hostility, although they have often suffered hostilities. This behaviour has changed, however, in the rare times when such a group has found itself in a position of power. In Moorish Spain and in modern Israel, for example, Jews have demonstrated that they can be as violent as anyone else in defence of cultural identity persecuting heretic Jews as well as non-Jews. Racefirst appeared in the English language around the 17th century. North Americans began to use the term in their scientific writings by the late 18th century. Racism was developed and popularized by scientists in the 19th century, as they were regarded as the propagators of truth. At the time this ideology also explained political and economic conflicts in various parts of the world and legalised the dominant role of British in the world economic system. Racism is universal and is evident in many different racial and social groups. It is not limited to white groups. By the mid-19th century, there was general rule that the worlds population was divided into a variety of races: groups of people who shared similar attributes like skin colour. This process of race categorization is referred to as  racialization[2]  and is necessary for the emergence of racism as an ideology. Racism is a product of capitalism. It grew out of early capitalisms use of slaves for the plantations of the developed World, it was solidified in order to justify western and white domination of the rest of the world and it flourishes today as a means of dividing the working class between white and black, and native and immigrants. Racism is commonly assumed to be as old as society itself. However this does not stand up to historical examination. Racism is a particular form of oppression: discrimination against people on the grounds that some inherited characteristic, for example, skin colour, makes them inferior to their oppressors.According to the  United Nations  conventions, there is no distinction between the term  racial discrimination  and  ethnic  discrimination. PLIGHT OF THE AFRICAN AMERICANS   African Americans, who form a significant part of the American population were, and in some irregular cases, are subjected to tremendous discrimination. The  Civil War  fought in America was partly a movement to stand up to this unfair system but sadly racism continued to cast a gloomy shadow over the development of the American nation. The Europeans, who settled in America in the early 1600s brought along the African black population, whom they had enslaved. Slowly, as the white population settled and flourished in America, slavery rooted itself in the US. The period from 1619 to 1865, especially witnessed a tremendously racist America grossly harassing the African American masses. After the Civil War, one law after the other was drafted by the government which severely discriminated the black community. It was a sort of wicked competition amongst the states to inflicting misery against their own population. Massachusetts state legalized slavery in 1641 and was the first to do so in America[3]. The latter half of the 18th century witnessed a big turmoil in America, against the British. The issues of human rights and independence began to gain position and hampered the British policies, a lot of civil rights for the African Americans were considered. Many were even untied but the status of the blacks never improved, especially once the Americans gained an upper hand in their search for independence. Since the elections of 1868, the Democrats who openly advocated discrimination against the blacks, used violence, corruption and intimidation to stop them from voting. Similarly, the Ku Klux Klan, founded in 1867, as a secret organization terrorized the African Americans and the black population at large. The group indulged in brutally murdering the black community and anyone socially advocating their cause. For every 3 whites killed in the fight, 40-50 blacks were killed. This was the real situation, but one which was suppressed and in fact popularized as atrocities against whites, until the 20th century. TYPES OF RACISM Historical racismis based on inheritance and common decent. It identifies a population with a common origin in history, but not a population with a fixed biological character. It is also used to define nation states in Europe through national symbols, such as Nazi eagle, Aryan cross that believed in superiority of some nations over others. Scientific racismbelieves that we can all be characterized by race with certain physical traits, such as brain size, sloping forehead. There is a hierarchy of races and claims that biology determines intelligence. It states that some races need to civilize others providing a justification for colonialism Institutional racismaddresses those activities which are intended to protect the advantages of a dominant group and/or maintain or widen the unequal position of a subordinate group and certain structures in society that systematically discriminate against certain groups, such as apartheid in South Africa, Jim Crow laws in southern U.S. New Racismasserts that no longer does any biological notion indicate cultural or other inferiorities. New Racism is not necessarily an assumption of inferiority or superiority; it is the emergence of new expressions such as immigrants, integration, cultural values, hide the racist text in our culture. RACIAL VIOLENCE Racial violence differs from other forms of violence in that the root causes are to do with assumption of superiority and dislike of other people who are deemed to be inferior because of their identity, ethnic origin, nationality, national origins or descent; and because of their appearance and physical characteristics such as colour, language and dress. These are natural and normal attributes, and any attack on them is an attack of the very core of ones essence as a human being and as a member of the human race. Racial violence manifests itself in many ways. In serious cases it involves physical assault, arson, stabbing, rape, murder, attempted murder, and genocide. Throughout the course of time, many a time racism has played an important role in shaping the history of the world. It has been a problem of the pre-modern world and continues to be a problem and a dilemma in the post-modern world. This problem is not something that can be solved by any number of discussions and debates held all around the world. As long as ethnic and individual differences in people exist, racism will continue to exist. It is not something that we can rid ourselves of. But instead what we can do is prevent it from becoming an issue over which the world gets divided to the point of no return. And also an acceptance in people of each others uniqueness is something that will help tone down the great adverse effects of racism. Racial Prejudice Racial prejudice is an insidious moral and social disease affecting peoples and populations all over the world. It is diagnosed by the cataloguing of its various symptoms and manifestations which include fear, intolerance, separation, segregation, discrimination, and hatred. While all of these symptoms of racial prejudice may be manifest, the single underlying cause of racial prejudice is ignorance. Racial prejudice perverts this uniqueness of the races and takes the view that these differences separate individuals further into groups, with one group being inferior to the other. Racial prejudice affects everyone. Inasmuch as racial prejudice manifests itself in that people are pre-judged based on superficial characteristics, we must honestly conclude that all people suffer from this on various levels. These ideas have been formed from society, media, and our own upbringing.  Maybe these ideas have been taught directly or indirectly, acted out by ones parents. Whatever the source, e ven the most enlightened member of a society will find that to some extent, he or she is judging another based on the superficial aspects of race. Racial prejudice has shaped the form of our present day societies; indeed, prejudice has shaped societies since time began. To counteract the disease of racial prejudice, modern-day societies have drafted and enacted legislation to ensure that people treat each other with respect and dignity allowing one another their inalienable right to their pursuit of life and liberty. While mans actions can be legislated, their hearts and fears cannot. Thus, society continues to suffer from the disease. Forums, coalitions, and initiatives continue to be formed to foster unity, understanding, and tolerance. Racism can only be stopped if all human races realized that we are all equal and that colours are only skin deep. Racism can have very simple solution; unfortunately it is complicated because of how one race discriminate others will cause both of the races to discriminate each other. For example, black people were being slaved during the 1800s and because of this, white people think that black people are inferior to them. During the 1900s many white people came to realize that black people are also human being and that they should treat them the same. This might seem like a happy ending but in reality, racism didnt fade because by then black people had hate white people and they think that white people is their enemy because of how they were treated. Therefore, I believed that the only solution to racism is an understanding among races that everybody is equal. In conclusion, racism is a very important issue in United States. Racism is born when a certain people or organization feel that they are superior compared to other races. There are many historic figures that try to stop racism such as Martin Luther King JR and Malcolm X. RACISM in To kill a mocking bird To kill a mocking bird represents a major element of social inequality bringing out one of the most important themes of the novel that is Racism. Differences in social status are expressed through the overcomplicated social hierarchy of Maycomb, the blacks and the whites that continuously baffle the children. Atticuss family stood near the top of Maycombs social hierarchy, with most of the townspeople beneath them. These rigid social divisions that make up so much of the adult world are revealed The title of  To Kill a Mockingbird  has very little literal connection to the plot, but it carries a great deal of symbolic weight in the book. In this story of innocents destroyed by evil, the mockingbird comes to represent the idea of innocence. Thus, to kill a mockingbird is to destroy innocence. Throughout the book, a number of characters (Jem, Tom Robinson, Dill, Boo Radley, Mr. Raymond) can be identified as mockingbirds-innocents who have been injured or destroyed through contact w ith evil. This connection between the novels title and its main theme is made explicit several times in the novel: after Tom Robinson is shot, Mr. Underwood compares his death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds, and at the end of the book Scout thinks that hurting Boo Radley would be like shootin a mockingbird. Most important, Miss Maudie explains to Scout: Mockingbirds dont do one thing but . . . sing their hearts out for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird. That Jem and Scouts last name is Finch (another type of small bird) indicates that they are particularly vulnerable in the racist world of Maycomb, which often treats the fragile innocence of childhood harshly. In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, racism, evil, prejudice or discrimination are present throughout the whole book. Racism affects many characters in the book and causes dreadful events to happen. Harper Lee illustrates her strong opinion on racism through view of a little girl, Scout (narrator), growing up in a small, southern community, Maycomb. Illustrating the story in a first person point of view, especially in situations like the trial, help one understand a childs point of view in order to understand the feelings of the little girl better. While growing up, Scout learns to take a positive view of the African-Americans in society. This is shown with the relationship with her maid, Calpurnia. However, this view contradicts the views of the other children living in her area. The other children her ages have adopted their ancestors prejudiced views, such as Cecil Jacobs announcing that Scout Finchs daddy defended niggers. Another example is when Aunt Alexandria forbids Scout to play with Walter Cunningham because she sees them as good folks, but not our kind of folks. Unlike most of the other characters in the book, Scout doesnt let things like race or wealth clouds her judgment of people. Tom Robinson losing his case, the prejudice against Atticus, and the church incident concerning Jem Scout are all directly related to racism.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Discrimination appears everywhere inside To Kill a Mockingbird, for example; Tom Robinson lost his case and got sentenced to life in prison, because he was black. The jury was very biased on this matter and so the result was inevitable. Even during the beginning of the trial, everything was a lie. Mr. Ewells face grew scarlet. He stood up and pointed his finger at Tom Robinson. -I seen that black nigger yonder ruttin on my Mayell'[4] Lee uses the word scarlet to show that Mr. Ewell was feeling angry at Atticus for contradicting him, yet was feeling guilty for telling a lie. Following his false accusation, Mr. Ewell exploded towards Tom and Atticus to reinforce his false statement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Similarly, Atticus defending Toms innocence earned him continuous discrimination from local townspeople and even from his own family. His battle for justice caused more problems for Scout. She is continued defending him but the racist remarks did not stop. These remarks just showed how cruel children can be to other children. She feels the need to defend her father to Francis, her cousin. He was also taunting her with accusations: At a safe distance her called, `Hes nothin but a nigger-lover. The force of racism had disrupted their lives, especially Scouts, through the old fashioned and discriminative opinions of the younger residents of Maycomb.     Ã‚   When Atticus decides to defend Robinson, he is cursed at by being called a nigger-lover by many people, including his nephew. Francis, what the hell do you mean?/ Just what I said. Grandma says its bad enough he lets you run wild, but now he turned out to be a nigger-lover.'[6] Atticus suffers every deep blow, being told that some of his family members dont support him. This indirect racism comes only from the equality that Atticus treats any enemy person with. Racism is the ultimate injustice to any person. Furthermore, there is another event supporting the idea of racism in To Kill a Mockingbird. It is when Jem and Scout go to Calpurnias church. There, they encounter discrimination with every step they take! I [Lula] want to know why you bringin white chillun to nigger church. [5] When Lula asks this, she says it with contempt. Harper Lee uses racism in both directions, whites to blacks, and blacks to whites. So, it implies that both are to blame for discrimination. Lula was trying to feel a sense of pride in having a black church to go to, and now, for her, it was like Jem and Scout came stampeding over that pride by entering the doors. Jem and Scout obviously felt that they did not belong and wanted to go home.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most important theme of  Mockingbird  remains the notion of prejudice in all of its forms.   Clearly, with the Tom Robinson case, Lees characters deal with racial prejudice head on.   References to black men as niggers and boys persist throughout the book.   Black people occupy the lowest class level of Maycomb society as Maycombs white population of every class waste no time reinforcing their rigid class rules.   In To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, racism permeates every idea and inch of this book from the loss of Robinsons trial, the discrimination against Atticus, and the contempt for Jem and Scout. Racism affected everyone in this book whether they noticed it or not. This book is a warning sign, telling the word to take off its blindfold and to start seeing people for who they are. RELATED BOOK A Tree Grows in Brooklyn  is a novel by Betty Smith published in 1943. It relates the coming-of-age story of its main character, Francie Nolan, and her Austrian/Irish-American family in Williamsburg, New York City. The novel is set in the first and second decades of the 20th century.A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a defacto novel. Although a dense novel, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is widely read by adolescents. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a naturalist novel and carries social realism of Racism to an extreme in depicting the rough lives of the characters. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn  cannot be separated from class issues. Nearly every anecdote, character, and chapter represents or addresses the problem of poverty in early twentieth-century America. Being poor means that the characters constantly must think of being poor-how they will buy the next loaf of bread, or what ones house or neighbourhood looks like compared to another. Smith shows that poverty does not only imply the absence of food, heat, or comfort. Poverty results in Johnnys worthlessness and death, causes Uncle Flittman to run away, and means that Francie cannot attend high school. Every activity, game, action is planned around a limited pool of resources. In addition to the Nolans life, Smith presents an entire poor community, and shows the close connection between poverty and exploitation. Store proprietors take advantage of childrens innocence to lure money out of them; piano teachers beg for tea from their students. Smiths sympathetic treatment of her characters that p overty itself is the evil-not the people. Like the tree man, people just need to think first of their own families and children. The author often juxtaposes the lower class with people of privilege to further develop this theme. Although having money makes for an easier life, in many cases, the most lovable characters in the book are impoverished, or come from a poor background. The rich doctor reigns as a villain in the book; the charity event is exposed as self-righteous and hurtful. By the end of the book, Neely and Francie pity Laurie for growing up without any hardship, saying that she will never have as much fun as they did. Like the tree, the author seems to be saying, she likes poor people. CONCLUSION Hence Racism is the belief that characteristics and abilities can be attributed to people simply on the basis of their race and that some racial groups are superior to others. Racism and discrimination have been used and will always be a powerful weapons encouraging fear or hatred of others in times of conflict and war, and even during economic downturns. The most important theme of  To Kill a Mockingbird  is the books exploration of the moral nature of human beings-that is, whether people are essentially good or essentially evil. The novel approaches this question by dramatizing Scout and Jems transition from a perspective of childhood innocence, in which they assume that people are good because they have never seen evil, to a more adult perspective, in which they have confronted evil and must incorporate it into their understanding of the world. As a result of this portrayal of the transition from innocence to experience, one of the books important subthemes involves the threat that hatred, prejudice, and ignorance pose to the innocent: people such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley are not prepared for the evil that they encounter, and, as a result, they are destroyed. Even Jem is victimized to an extent by his discovery of the evil of racism during and after the trial. Whereas Scout is able to maintain her basic faith in human nat ure despite Toms conviction, Jems faith in justice and in humanity is badly damaged, and he retreats into a state of disillusionment. The moral voice of  To Kill a Mockingbird  is embodied by Atticus Finch, who is virtually unique in the novel in that he has experienced and understood evil without losing his faith in the human capacity for goodness. Atticus understands that, rather than being simply creatures of good or creatures of evil, most people have both good and bad qualities. The important thing is to appreciate the good qualities and understand the bad qualities by treating others with sympathy and trying to see life from their perspective. He tries to teach this ultimate moral lesson to Jem and Scout to show them that it is possible to live with conscience without losing hope or becoming cynical. In this way, Atticus is able to admire Mrs. Duboses courage even while deploring her racism. Scouts progress as a character in the novel is defined by her gradual development toward understanding Atticuss lessons, culminating when, in the final chapters, Scout at last sees Boo Radley as a human being. Her new found ability to view the world from his perspective ensures that she will not become jaded as she loses her innocence. Hence through this research article it can be seen how the evil element of our society. Racism has not only affected our society but in an abstract ideological manner but also warped the very mind-frames of the people at large. Racism has been and will always exist in the social strata killing and saving people and in its very nature contradicting itself. [1] Racism in the world by Herbert Cole pg. 5 [2]Change in Racism by Chris Heath pg. 104 [3]Slavery in America-History by John Fricke [4] To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee pg. 196 [5] To kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee pg. 135 [6] To kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee pg. 94   HYPERLINK Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. HYPERLINK  The Canadian Encyclopaedia. Canadian Encyclopaedia. Retrieved 2010-07-23. Racism was developed and popularized by scientists in the 19th century, as they were regarded as propagators of truth. Wellman, David T. (1993).  Portraits of White Racism.

Blindsight and Qualities of Visual Perception Essay -- Expository Rese

Blindsight and Qualities of Visual Perception ABSTRACT: The aim of this paper is to defend a broad concept of visual perception, according to which it is a sufficient condition for visual perception that subjects receive visual information in a way which enables them to give reliably correct answers about the objects presented to them. According to this view, blindsight, non-epistemic seeing, and conscious visual experience count as proper types of visual perception. This leads to two consequences concerning the role of the phenomenal qualities of visual experiences. First, phenomenal qualities are not necessary in order to see something, because in the case of blindsight, subjects can see objects without experiences phenomenal qualities. Second, they cannot be intentional properties, since they are not essential properties of visual experiences, and because the content of visual experiences cannot be constituted by contingent properties. Introduction Blindsight is often understood as supporting certain claims concerning the function and the status of the phenomenal qualities of visual perceptions. In this talk I am going to present a short argument to show that blindsight could not be understood as evidence for these claims. The reason is that blindsight cannot be adequately described as a special case of seeing. Consequently, it is not possible to draw inferences from it concerning the role of the phenomenal qualities for seeing. Visual perceptions are supposed to have two sorts of content. First, they have intentional content which relates them as representations to the external world. The properties that constitute the intentional content are called representational or intentional qualities. Second, visual perce... ... Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 15, 197 - 300 (5) D. Lewis (1986): Veridical Hallucination and Prosthetic Vision. In: D. Lewis: Philosophical Papers. New York et al., Vol. II, 273 - 290 (6) F. Dretske (1969): Seeing and Knowing. London, 4 - 77; F. Jackson (1977): Perception. A Representative Theory. Cambridge/Mass., 154 ff.; G.J. Warnock (1956): Seeing. In: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Vol. 55, 201 - 218 (7) D. Armstrong (1968): A Materialist Theory of the Mind. London (8) C. S. Peirce (1986): How to make our Ideas clear. In: Writings of Charles S. Peirce. C.J.W. Kloesel (ed.), Bloomington, Vol. III, 257 - 276; G. Ryle (1949): The Concept of Mind. London, Chapter 5 (9) D. Armstrong (1968): A Materialist Theory of the Mind. London, 209 ff. (10) F. Dretske (1969): Seeing and Knowing. London, 77 (11) Dretske (1969), 20 ff. (See footnote 11)

Monday, August 19, 2019

American Foreign Policy :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1825, a group of American businesspeople announced the formation of a canal building company, with interests in constructing a canal system across the Isthmus. This project was to take place in an area now called Panama. The endeavor was filled with controversy. Though the canal itself was not built until the early 1900's every step toward the building and ownership, was saturated with difficulty. Walter LaFeber illustrates the dilemmas in a historical analysis. In his work he states five questions that address the significance of the Panama Canal to United States. This paper will discuss the historical perspective of the book's author, address pertinent three questions and give a critique of LaFeber's work, The Panama Canal.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For proper historical analysis one must understand the importance of the Canal. The Panama Canal and the Canal Zone (the immediate area surrounding the Canal) are important areas used for trade. Even before the canal was built there were to large ports on both sides of the Isthmus. Large amounts of cargo passed through the Isthmus by a railroad that connected the two ports. The most important cargo was the gold mined in California before the transcontinental railroad was completed in the United States. It has strategic significance because of its location, acting as a gateway connecting the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. This allows for rapid naval deployment between fleets in either ocean. These two facets make the Panama Canal very important in the region.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  LaFeber notes that Panamanian nationalism played a large role in the creation of the canal and, consequently, the cause for the area's constant instability. The first expression occurred in the late 1800's with Panamanian struggle for independence from Columbia. The United States eager to build the canal, and control its operation, used and backed Panamanian nationalist. During the Roosevelt administration, not only did the United States manipulate factors isolating Panama from other world powers through the Monroe Doctrine; but it committed troops aiding the revolutionaries against another sovereign state. The reason this is a surprise is because the Roosevelt administration normally held a position favoring stability. The United States had no legal right to use force against Columbia.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nationalism came back to haunt the United States. With the treaty signed and a 99-year lease given to the United States, the Canal was built. Since then, the United States has varied on its stance of ownership and the principles of sovereignty concerning the Canal.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hip Hip Essay -- essays research papers fc

The Introduction Hip hop as a ding an sich is marked by some confusion. Consider the name; is it "hip hop," "hip-hop" or "hiphop"? You will see all three used in titles in this bibliography. Hip hop is, at the same time, a cultural phenomenon that developed in the late 70's in the projects in Brooklyn and the Bronx, and a musical style from that phenomenon. Nevertheless, hip hop has become a pervasive element of popular culture, as witnessed by this bibliography. There are hip hop exercise videos, children's books as well as books, magazines, magazine articles and theses about it. Before we get to the bibliography, a brief hip hop history is in order. Hip hop began in the mid- to late 70's, but its roots are much older (indeed, hip hop's use of music from other genres is reflected in Renaissance parody masses). According to one source, the roots of this phenomenon are in Jamaica in the 40's. By the 60's, it was common to find "sounds", or a truck fitted with sound equipment parked at a street corner, playing American rhythm & blues records for the people in the neighborhood. Some of these DJs included Coxson Dodd, Prince Buster, and Duke Reid. By the 1970's this phenomenon was to be found in the US, particularly in the Farragut Projects in Brooklyn, NY. Some of these early DJs were Maboya, Plummer and Kool DJ D, who played mostly disco music. Another of these early figures, Kool Herc, emigrated to the States from Jamaica and settled in the Bronx with his sound system he called "the Herculords." In contrast to some of the other figures, Kool Herc focused on rhythm & blues and funk records. Another of Kool Herc's innovations was to play only the "break," or the musical material between the verses of a song, repeating that break again and again. He did this using two turntables mounted with the same record. This came to be called "break-beat deejaying." People began to perform "strange, acrobatic twisting dance routines" to these episodes that came to be called "break dances."2 Kool Herc eventually hired someone to "MC" these parties. This person would talk to the crowd between the songs to keep the party going. This was the beginning of "rapping." DJ Hollywood, one of the early MC's at Kool Herc's parties would use rhyming verses in his rap... ..., ed. Drumvoices. University of Illinois, Edwardsville, Illinois, 2004. Contains "The Hip Hop Nation as a Site of African American Cultural and Historical Memory" by James Spady. Roberts, John W. From hucklebuck to hip-hop: social dance in the African-American community in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Pa.: Odunde, 1995. Sansevere, John R. Post-bop hip-hop: a tribe called Quest. [Racine, Wis.]: Western Pub. Co., 1993. Sexton, Adam., ed. Rap on rap: straight-up talk on hip-hop culture. New York: Delta, 1995. Shabazz, Julian L. D. The United States of America vs. hip-hop. Hampton, VA: United Bros. Pub. Co., 1992. Shaw, Arnold. Black popular music in America : from the spirituals, minstrels, and ragtime to soul, disco, and hip-hop. New York: London: Schirmer Books; Collier Macmillan, 1986. Shomari, Hashim A. From the underground : hip hop culture as an agent of social change. Fanwood, NJ: X-Factor Publications, 1995. Smash, Nick. Hip hop 86-89. Woodford Green, Essex, England: International Music Publications, 1990. Illustrated. Spady, James G., and Joseph D. Eure. Nation conscious rap. AfroAmericanization of knowledge series; 3. New York: PC International Press, 1991.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

“12 Angry Men” by Reginald Rose Essay

When reading the play â€Å"12 angry men†, is it hard to ignore the prominent character- ‘the 8th Juror’. As the plot unfolds, the reader notices that Juror #8 is the only one among the 12 who really understands the seriousness of the situation at their hands. At the very beginning of the play, you can see that there is no sympathy towards the boy accused of murder. And why should it be? All the evidence that was brought up in the court room has crushed the defense and the boy’s chances on the trial. The prosecution made it clear that the boy is guilty. In fact, too clear- The defense was helpless and left many holes in their case. That’s why in the initial vote done by the jurors, everybody votes â€Å"guilty† (against the boy) except for #8. And here we see the first importance of #8: because of his reasonable doubt the jury hadn’t found the boy guilty at the first 10 minutes of their debating, which would have ended the trial. #8 did not necessarily believe the boy was innocent, but he understood that if he raised his hand at that vote- it would all end. They will not have a chance to discuss the case, and it will, in his eyes, belittle the value of human life. Furthermore, we can see that #8 is a key character in many other parts of the play. After starting to talk about the case, some of the other jurors got mad and tried to convince #8 to vote â€Å"guilty† and end the discussion. Yet, he stayed calm and tried to continue debating in spite of their efforts to â€Å"convert† him. After realizing that he is standing alone against them, he called for another vote, in which he will not participate (a rather questionable action, considering he had not yet spoke out the contradictions that he had found in the prosecution’s case). This was a rather bold step, but it paid out because of #9, who changed his vote to â€Å"not guilty† because of his respect towards #8 and #8’s courage. We see that despite the efforts the 11 jurors made, #8 stuck to his position and allowed the continuation of the play. At page 26 we see another contribution to the unfolding of the case- Juror #8  brings up the question whether the old man (who had testified about hearing the accused boy shouting â€Å"I’m going to kill you†) could really hear what he had clamed he heard. #8 makes the brilliant connection between two pieces of separate testimonies and proves (as much as it can be proved) that it was not possible for the old man to hear that. One by one he shattered the so-called facts, as he proved that â€Å"Sometimes the facts that are staring you in the face are wrong†. He develops the issue with the 15-seconds walk the old man apparently took, the eyeglasses marks next to the testifying woman’s eyes and many more. You can say that juror #8 has an additional importance to the play, in the terms of his character and personality. He shows a side that the jurors could not see- he tried to put himself in the boy’s shoes and see the case from a different perspective. By doing that, he showed the other jurors how prejudice can prevent people from seeing the truth (or in their case- judge in a fare manner). You can honestly say that if it were not for him, the boy would have been put to death for sure. He may only be an architect, but he presented his arguments like a lawyer and proved his theories throughout the play. He avoided being personally involved and let his sharp and lucid mind lead him and the rest of the jury on their way to solve the case.

Friday, August 16, 2019

What Do You Think About the View That There Are No Women in The Great Gatsby With Whom the Reader Can Sympathize?

Sympathy is defined as having feelings of sorrow for someone else’s misfortune. In a novel, sympathizing in a character allows the reader to relate to them. In Fitzgerald’s â€Å"The Great Gatsby†, there is no female character with whom we can sympathize. However, at various points within the novel we do offer our brief condolences to each character. Throughout the novel Daisy Buchanan appears enigmatic to the reader: why is she in a loveless relationship? Why did she leave Gatsby hanging on a thread? Many conclude that the ultimate chapters prove to us in many ways that she is incapable of loving. Shown by her choice to stay with Tom for his wealth and security; rather than choosing Gatsby, for she was â€Å"appalled by its raw vigour that chaffed†. She looks down on the vulgar nature of people that try and buy their way into the upper class as he has done. However, it is feasible to suggest that she chose Tom; after all he didn’t build his empire selling illegal alcohol like Gatsby. In addition, it is possible to argue that being in an unhappy marriage – shown by her reaction to Tom speaking to his mistress over dinner – is a liable reason to which we can feel empathy for her. Despite all of this, however, it is apparent throughout the novel that she is materialistic, promiscuous and immoral. As soon as Tom leaves she â€Å"kiss[es] him on the mouth† she is not only betraying Tom, but she acts â€Å"careless[ly]† with Gatsby’s emotions. He is a character in which the reader can sympathize – meaning she is hated. Ultimately, she chooses to run away with Tom, this is her last act that convinces we, as the reader, to deplore her. Jordan is an equally difficult character to whom we can sympathize; however, for different reasons. There is only really one instance in the novel that contrasts this view, and that’s when Jordan had â€Å"met another bad driver† in Nick. This does make her emotionally accessible to us; we can feel pity for her. However, this is overshadowed by her compulsive ability to lie. Apparently, she does not â€Å"give a damn† about the end of her and Nick’s relationship; an obvious lie, yet it implies that she will move on soon enough. We will never know if she actually met someone else during her and Nick’s meeting, yet it is unlikely, as she is a neurotic fabricator. Adding to this, we notice that Jordan is a highly destructive and careless character, rather like Daisy. She casually mentions to Nick that she â€Å"left a borrowed car out in the rain, and then lied about it† She is being careless with other peoples property, lying about it to ensure she is not affected by any repercussions†. It is apparent he that Jordan does not, as a whole, evoke sympathy with us. Myrtle does not draw any sympathy from the reader at a first glance. She is the lower-class mistress to Tom. She is a poor representation of the 1920’s woman as she carries â€Å"her surplus flesh sensuously†, meaning she is rather provocative, it is also the only compliment she receives in the book, inferring Tom’s only use for her is sex; not a particularly good role model for women. She is somewhat comparable to Daisy in that her only care is money and materialism, she wants to escape the upper class, and Tom is her refuge. Her â€Å"tremendous vitality† should aid her in this. However, we can sympathize with â€Å"Myrtle Wilson† when she fulfils her â€Å"tragic achievement†. This refers to her death, all she ever wanted to do was to escape her class and accomplish her American dream, but Nick morbidly realizes that the only way she ever would is through death. Much like Gatsby, her dream is forever doomed. Myrtle, in my opinion is a character with we can sympathize the most; her tragic story is rather like Gatsby’s. In that she had an unachievable, completely unattainable dream in her sight, but it was never to be – a doomed dream. I believe all the female characters in â€Å"The Great Gatsby† have characteristics that make us, as the reader to both love and despise them at the same time. Fitzgerald has portrayed them as merely humans with certain traits and bad decisions that moulds them into who they are. All three of these women are accessible to the reader, whilst at the same time completely detached and despised. I believe that the view in question is different for every reader, as they can make their informed opinion on each of these women. As for me, I do feel sympathy for them, but only to a certain extent.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Historiography/Primary Sources Project

â€Å"Every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires and that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate† is a quote by Edward W. Said. During the 19th century, Western nations started expansion into territorial imperialism to collect resources from colonies to benefit economically, politically, and socially. Jules Ferry, a former French prime minister, created a colonial policy to colonize territories for France’s benefits and to civilize the people in those territories. His biased views may affect the historical impact and people should not believe everything they hear.One should analyze a document and take past knowledge on the issue into consideration before making any decisions. â€Å"The French Colonial Expansion† is a modernized text of the â€Å"Speech Before the French Chamber of Deputies† by the former French prime minister, Jules Francois Camille Ferry, on March 28, 1884. Jules Ferry made t his speech to show his support for imperialism and that it was the only way, at the time, for a nation to be powerful. He believed that the colonial expansion policy consisted of economic ideas, the most far-reaching ideas of civilization, and ideas of a political and patriotic sort (Watts, Int. ).He backed his argument up with some statistics of how other nations, like Germany or the United States of America, have outlets, or colonies to export goods to, and this helped expand their market. Colonial policy will allow for France to compete against other powerful nations and help solve problems like the freedom of trade and supply and demand (Arkenberg, Int. ). Not only did Ferry want to maintain France’s power, he also believed that Europeans were the â€Å"superior race† because they were civilized. A social issue he wanted to overcome was to civilize the â€Å"inferior races† because it was the higher races’ duty to do so (Arkenberg, Int. . In addition, Ferry made a good point that France needs colonies to support its navy with harbors, defenses, and supplies that can only be obtained overseas. Ferry was for imperialism because it had many benefits to the nation. However, many socialists and conservative critics were against his policy for different reasons (Jules, Int. ). He was addressing his speech to those that opposed imperialism and the French Chamber of Deputies. His motivation was to spread the ideas of imperialism and point out the benefits of it to the people of France. Obviously, he has a lot of pride in his country because he believes that they are the superior race,† so he wants to spread the feel of nationalism by gaining power to France (Watts, Int. ). The power of a nation is gained by the amount of land it has. The colonial policy led France to annex Tunis, Madagascar, Indo-China, and explore the Congo and the Niger region (Jules, Int. ). Based on all of the exploration done by France, one can conclude that France is a powerful nation and its colonial policy went into effect. They were great competitors with other Europeans and the United States because they took over many rich African and Asian countries.With all of their new territories, they would have a better market because they would have raw materials sent to them from those countries, and they would sell them back (Arkenberg, Int. ). In addition, the French have a lot of pride in themselves because they believe that they are the â€Å"superior race,† so they would try to civilize the people in many of their territories. Therefore, the local culture of those countries probably went down and there was a lot of hatred towards the French for the change of their way of living, style, and religion.Because Jules Ferry believed that the Europeans were a â€Å"superior race,† this proves that he was biased because he only looked at the European view of imperialism. He only sees that the colonial policy will benefit and sol ve France’s economic, social, and political problems. However, he doesn’t look at the view of the African and Asian countries being claimed. To them, imperialism is a horrible thing because their way of life is being taken away and replaced by a different life style.Also, imperialism would stop their learning curve and affect their nation’s development. New problems would arise as well. For example, after the division of African territory between each European nation, African tribes were moved and this created more fights between them. Ferry also leaves out the conflicts between the European nations and the U. S. Imperialism is not always beneficial to a nation because there would always be arguments between two or more nations over land, and war would erupt if the issue is non-negotiable.Edward W. Said’s quote, â€Å"every empire tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires and that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educ ate and liberate† shows that Jules Ferry is biased because he is only presenting the benefits to France and not the problems that it could do to the colonized territories or to Western nations all together. One should never completely believe everything they hear and analysis is needed to see both sides of a story.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Susan Hill Exploits the Form of the Novel in ‘Strange Meeting’ to Present a More Moving Ad Sensitive Depiction of the Corruption of Youth Than R.C. Sheriff’s Portrayal of This Within His Dramatic Text ‘Journey’s End’.

Susan Hill exploits the form of the novel in ‘Strange Meeting’ to present a more moving ad sensitive depiction of the corruption of youth than R. C. Sheriff’s portrayal of this within his dramatic text ‘Journey’s End’. How far do you agree? Strange Meeting is a novel that was first published by Susan Hill in 1971. The text powerfully depicts the emotional effect that a life in the First World War could have on youth. Strange Meeting tells the tale of two young soldiers placed in an environment that breaks people.Hilliard is a young man who in the back story has already experienced the horrors of war; this experience has left him to be out of place in a civilian life. Susan Hill tells us of a relationship that Hilliard and his sister used to share with one another, a relationship of which meant they could rely on one another for anything. However, after being exposed to the war, the effects it can have on a person show through. He no longer feel s that he can relate to her, and she sees only a different man when she looks at him now. Raleigh also the perilous effects that the war can have on a, the main character in R. C.Sherriff’s text ‘Journey’s End’. In this text Raleigh sees a man whom he once looked up to, Stanhope, having been destroyed and turned into a drunk. This reaction to the stress of war was a common one that many men turned to in order to cope with the war- we know that in the war many of the men were young men, and this was the only way they knew would help them to fight the loss of the people they may have lived with all of their lives. Almost all of the young men serving in the war suffered mental scars, and those who survived the war would almost never wholly recover from them. This shows exactly just how devastating the front lines were.Especially for those who were in the start of their lives, to see someone they knew come to the end of theirs so suddenly so young and in such horrific ways. We know that this was not a rare situation for people to be in; this was in fact happening on a mass scale to millions of people at a time. This shows just how insignificant the loss of life was in this time. The officers in both texts depict strong examples of the corruption of youth; however, it is hard to say which one, if any does so in a better way. An argument could be used to say that Sheriff produces a better example of how ast these effects can happen, and he does so in a very strong dramatic way. However, at the same time Susan Hill depicts the effects over a long duration of time, this is shown in a very good way at the start of the novel, when she introduces Hilliard, and says ‘He was afraid to go to sleep. For three weeks, he had been afraid of going to sleep’ this was shows how even after the war, or when a soldier left the war they were still being affected by it. This adds to the knowledge that these corruptions are not something that you can escape once they have taken effect.Both texts show great examples of how they did not just effect the soldier himself; they in fact affected every one they came into contact with especially the soldiers they would be working with and living with as relationships swayed from hatred to that of a family member time-and-time again. More so it affected the families of the solders, as the corruption of youth, caused many families to lose the younger members of their family not always to the war its self but often to the emotional changes that the young men would go through.A perfect example of this is in Susan Hill’s novel when we witness the destruction of a once great bond between Hilliard and his sister, all due to him wanting to block people out of his life in order to reduce the amount of loss he would face emotionally. Sheriff uses a lot of direct dialogue in order to allow the reader to feel the ups and downs that his characters were going through at the time, as well as showing how fast things could change. This meant that the audience was able to experience first-hand what was going through the mind of a soldier faced with the events that happened.Susan Hill however, shows a more in depth look at the emotions and feelings of the men at war. In doing so the reader is able to build up a stronger relation to the characters than in Sheriff’s text, as we go through month after month of what the men are going through, seeing every change they experience and every relationship that builds and falls. Doing this allows us to see and witness the changes that the characters experience and go through, it is because of this that we are able to see the dramatic change in the relationship between Hilliard and his family in ‘Strange Meeting’ by introducing the characters to us the reader like this he allows us to become more attached to individual characters and the characters on a whole, a lot more than we are able to with ‘Journeyâ₠¬â„¢s End’. In addition to this, Hill is able to exploit the fact that she is using a novel, over a dramatic text in order to set up an understanding of the character and to produce character backgrounds, in doing this she is adding more purpose and meaning to the characters and the story on a whole. This helps to portray the effects that could be inflicted upon people, by showing us how people are before, during and after the war environment.One of the main examples of the corruption of youth is the way in which the older characters react when they meet the younger newer officers serving alongside them. In ‘Journey’s End’ this is shown by the way in which Stanhope reacts to Raleigh’s arrival and presence in the trenches with him, and in ‘Strange Meeting’ it is depicted to us through Hilliard’s first impressions towards Barton. In the case of Stanhope, he meets a one former friend from school, whom he shared many experiences and who idolised him.Seeing Raleigh causes Stanhope to realise just how much the war has changed and taken away from him, as well as the intense levels on which it has corrupted his youth. This is a great example as to just how drastic some of these corruptions could be. This being, as it shows two young men separated by only a few years of age, who at the same time are worlds apart in how they look at life. Raleigh who has a strong idealistic view of the world and Stanhope who has aged greatly passed what he should be and appears infinitely older than Raleigh, and has even descended to state which all he can do to get him through the days is drink.This is very similar to that of Hilliard and Barton. Barton is new to the war and has yet to experience the terrors or feel the effects of the war on him; he is a younger man who is untouched by the effects of the war. Whereas Hilliard has been exposed for what to him seems like his entire life, he is no longer capable of living out a civilia n life. This has hit him so hard that at the start of the novel, even having been injured and relieved of duty, he wishes for nothing less than to return to the war as he doesn’t know how to live any life without war as its focal point.So when he meets Barton a young man who is the complete opposite to what he has become- untouched, unaffected by the war and what it can do to a person. However, all he wants is his life to be more like Hilliard. He does not realise that Hilliard does not like his life at all. Hill uses the fact that a large amount of the soldiers were uneducated or poorly educated to show Hilliard as a man who takes charge and places a great level of personal responsibility over the younger, more naive men, in this case Barton. he felt suddenly ready to defend Barton, as he might defend a younger boy at school who had blurted out something because he did not yet know the form’ this is a simile used by Hill to show just how protective and responsible he has become over the younger boy. In giving us a deeper and closer insight into his life, Hill, has been able to exploit this and show us the change that is occurring within him from the cold, emotionless person to someone who is beginning to care about this young boy.The meeting of these two pairs and the forming of these relationships are focal points in both texts that lay down the foundations in the texts. However, the way in which the authors have chosen to depict these relationships varies in both. Susan Hill chooses to show us the bonds that grow and strengthen over time. However, in the dramatic text that Sheriff is showing us, we see just how quickly relationships can be formed in conditions such as the ones these men are facing.This text by Sheriff also shows us how quickly a previously formed relationship can be changed, this is shown when Raleigh meets for the first time since school, his old role model Stanhope. A man who was once everything Raleigh aspired to be, but no w is nothing more than a drunk. This meeting allows Stanhope to realise suddenly to just how great an extent his own youth has been corrupted, and almost destroyed. When Raleigh firs arrives her greats Stanhope, and he replies, Stanhope (In a low voice): How did you – get here?From the patterns in Stanhope’s voice in this quotation, it suggests someone who is hesitant about the situation at hand. And to further this idea, the use of the hyphen this suggests a pause in what he is saying. This expresses his shock, and tension at the arrival of Raleigh which is rendering him almost speechless. Strange Meetings shows an impressive example of the corruption of youth within the war. This is when Raleigh has just finished his first mission as an officer in the trenches.Osborne has just died, and to him he has just lost one of his closest friends and one of the people who he trusted his life with. As a young man who has never, and should have never, had to experience the death of one of his closest friends happening he is destroyed by this and we see a great change in him at this point in Sheriffs play as he goes from an enthusiastic young man who was proud to be a part in supporting his country at war, to a one who has under gone a sudden realisation as to just how futile his role and that of everyone around him is.And he feels as though he is the only one that feels this way and that no one else realises this. This is an argument that takes place between Raleigh and Stanhope, after their meal following the mission. Raleigh: And yet you can sit there and drink champagne- and smoke cigars- Stanhope:the one man I could trust – my best friend – the man I could talk to man to man – who understood everything – and you think I don’t care-This laid back approach to one of their own men and closest friends dying, allows Raleigh to realise that he is not the only one who feels this way and that in fact there are other people fa cing much worse situations like Stanhope, who has lost his best friend and a man who was like a brother to him. And he discovers that these men have themselves realised the loss of their youth and how it has been torn away from them and replaced with this life, filled with nothing but pain and suffering. The only way they know to cover these feelings is to drink it all away.In conclusion, I feel each text brings its own points in expressing and depicting the corruption and deconstruction of youth in the war. Sheriff gives us a closer view into events and characters, as well as a level of intimacy that Hill’s text lacks. He gives us a sharper look and insight into these emotions that were being experienced and shared by the character, including the suffering and death. And due to this way that he has chosen to express these emotions sheriff is able to show an emotional impact that Susan Hill is just not able to achieve in the depiction of this deeply tragic and emotional theme . Word count: 2,241